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Watch back: Clifford Sage presents “Tuner” at the Rewire 2021 - online edition

20 Aug 2021

Next up in our series of notable performances from the Rewire 2021 - online edition is London based CGI artist, animator, game designer and music producer Clifford Sage. Watch his full performance below.

Also known by his ProDancer character and artist Recsund, Clifford Sage is a London based CGI artist, animator, game designer and music producer. During our 2021 online edition Clifford debuted the latest version of his project “Tuner”, an ever evolving audiovisual project. Using bespoke audio interactivity, the project involves audience participation throughout a real-time stream. In this world, the audience helped Sage’s avatar to rescue fish from polluted waters, while collectively voting which pop hits he should perform.

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