The work of renowned Canadian musician, sound artist, and Rewire regular Tim Hecker has been described as “structured ambient,” “tectonic color plates,” and “cathedral electronic music.” More to the point, he has focused on exploring the intersection of noise, dissonance, and melody, fostering an approach to songcraft that is both deeply physical and emotive. His repertoire spans 10 albums over nearly two decades, including the critically acclaimed Ravedeath, 1972 (2011), Harmony in Ultraviolet, and Virgins (2009).
Yet with his new album No Highs (2023) Hecker is reconsidering the role of the genre that has brought him fame and fortune. In conversation with Grayson Haver Currin, Hecker delves into his life's work and the effect it should have on us. “I don’t want a straightforward emotion — the best things for me are the ones that are confusing as to how I feel.”