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Pay what you want for Remotely Together in December

01 Dec 2023

This is a special holiday offer for you, our loyal followers. Remotely Together, our first physical release, is now temporarily available as a pay-what-you-want download, starting from Bandcamp Friday through the entire month of December. Back in June, Remotely Together was released, solidifying our ambition to function as a dedicated platform for the launching and supporting of adventurous and forward-thinking music.

Remotely Together introduces new works by claire rousay & Morita Vargas, Maria Chavez & Valentina Magaletti, and KMRU, all commissioned through remote residencies for Rewire’s 2021 - online edition. In the midst of COVID-19 lockdowns, Rewire initiated these collaborations between disparate artists from all over the world, connecting them remotely to explore new creative practices both online and in isolation. Amsterdam-based graphic designer Jonathan Castro Alejos has designed the artwork. Apart from the digital version, a few physical copies of Remotely Together are still on sale while stocks last.

Head over to our Bandcamp to make use of this temporary offer

Photo by Baroeg Mulder