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Sól Ey

Proximity Music

10, 11, 12 September

Telepathia (2021)

‘Telepathia’ invites audiences to play an audio-tactile duet by translating their bodies and surrounding space to audible vibrations. It is a participatory installation that explores the social aspects of multisensory space. Participants will wear an instrument consisting of microphones, speakers and sensors, allowing them to contribute to real-time music creation. The work is influenced by recent neuroscience studies that explored the social integration of multisensory space. How can we communicate without using words? And how do we perceive the proximity, gestures, and location of another physical body?

Sól Ey is an Icelandic sound artist, instrument developer, and performer based in The Netherlands. In her work, sound is explored as a tangible and spatial phenomenon.

You can experience this work as part of the Proximity Music tour. Find out more here.