World premiere
Having worked with Rewire alumni like Norwegian sax virtuoso Bendik Giske and Ukrainian singer Yana Pavlova, prolific Berlin-based producer Pavel Milyakov (aka Buttechno) has shown his merits as a collaborative chameleon. For their world premiere at Rewire 2023, Milyakov graces the stage with Perila, the moniker of Berlin-based electronic musician Aleksandra Zakharenko, who has become a mainstay in the city’s experimental and avant-garde scenes. A collaborative album of the pair is slated to be released in 2023.
Perila’s sensual and experimental works, sitting comfortably between ambient and musique concrète, are already a fascinating match for Milyakov’s shapeshifting guitar-focussed output. For this collaboration Perila also performs as a vocalist, alternating between dreamy pop and poetic spoken word. Matched together with Milyakov’s hazy mix of electronics and guitar, this joint enterprise results in mesmerising, smokey, and effortlessly cool music.